Knowledge Base: JNBridgePro
Visual Studio plug-in is not displayed
‘Unable to determine host id’ when running registration tool on Linux using .NET Core
‘An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest was not found’
NuGet packages required to use JNBridgePro with .NET Core, and how to get them
Unable to locate or load assembly JNBSharedMem_x86.dll or JNBSharedMem_x64.dll
The “JNBBuildTask” task failed unexpectedly
High CPU usage in applications using JNBridgePro 8.2
Exception: “You need to install the Visual C++ runtime library”
ColdFusion — Incorrect Response Header
Visual Studio error on build: The function “CurrentUICulture” on type “System.Globalization.CultureInfo” has not been enabled for execution