Knowledge Base: Building the application
Visual Studio plug-in is not displayed
The “JNBBuildTask” task failed unexpectedly
Visual Studio error on build: The function “CurrentUICulture” on type “System.Globalization.CultureInfo” has not been enabled for execution
After upgrading to JNBridgePro 7.3, program throws an IndexOutOfRangeException
Handling optional parameters in JNBridgePro
Unable to load DLL rlm913_x86.dll, rlm913_x64.dll, rlm932_x86.dll, rlm932_x64.dll, jnbauth_x86.dll, or jnbauth_x64.dll
Exception when dragging a control in the Visual Studio designer
“jvm.dll either does not exist at specified location, or could not be loaded.”
In Java-to-.NET project, can’t access a proxy in a System.* namespace