License file locations in Java-to-.NET projects

In Java-to-.NET projects, here are some guidelines for placement of the license file:

  • When using shared memory, specify the license file’s location in the app.config file using the licenseLocation element (see below), and use the dotNetSide.appConfig property to indicate the location of the app.config file.  Starting with JNBridgePro v7.3, you can also place the license file in the application base folder specified using the dotNetSide.appBase property.
  • When using TCP/binary or HTTP/SOAP communications, either place the license file in the same folder as the .NET side’s .exe file (usually either JNBDotNetSide.exe or a .NET side application that you have created), or specify the license file’s location in the .NET-side .exe’s app.config file using the licenseLocation element (see below).