New JNBridgePro point release, v3.1.2, now available

We’ve just released a new point release of JNBridgePro, version 3.1.2.  You can get it by downloading a new copy of JNBridgePro 3.1 from, then uninstalling your old copy and installing the new one.  You should use the new JNBridgePro components in your applications.  To get the full advantage of all the fixes, we recommend you re-generate your proxies, although the old ones will work, too.

 3.1.2 contains a several minor new features, and fixes for several issues.  It also includes several security-related changes required for Windows Vista certification.  If you’re not using Windows Vista, these changes won’t impact you at all.

Here’s the list of changes from the release notes:

  • Deployment license files can now be deployed in the application’s current working directory (generally, the folder in which the application’s .exe file resides).
  • It is no longer necessary to have run the registration tool under administrative or power user privileges before running a JNBridgePro-enabled application for the first time (or run the application itself under such privileges the first time) when using a deployment license file.
  • Added support in Java-to-.NET projects for accessing .NET-side methods and properties that are explicit interface implementations (that is, whose declaration includes the name of the interface whose method or property they are implementing). Previously, accessing such methods and properties could cause an exception to be thrown. Note that if the class has more than one member with the same name of the same name that are explicit interface implementations of different interfaces, only one will be proxied. The proxy generator will indicate which member has been proxied, and which members have not.
  • Added Callbacks.releaseCallback(), which can be used in .NET-to-Java projects to release the resources used by callbacks when the callbacks are no longer used. See the section “Callbacks” in the .NET-to-Java section of the Users’ Guidefor more information.
  • JNBridgePro executables now contain an embedded manifest resource containing User Account Control information, which is used by Windows Vista to enforce security policy.
  • JNBridgePro executables and dll files are now signed with the JNBridge Authenticode certificate.
  • Fixed a Windows Vista-related problem that caused the .NET DNS resolution API to break, and prevented the tcp/binary communications mechanism from working properly.
  • Fixed a problem that could cause the proxy generator to fail when loading a jar file that contains no classes.
  • Fixed a problem in Java-to-.NET proxy generation that could cause the proxy of .NET class that inherits from a generic class to have an incorrect superclass.