Introducing JNBridgePro 9.0

JNBridgePro 9.0, the latest release, addresses a longstanding user request: the ability to create .NET-to-Java projects employing multiple proxy DLLs. Users want to do this for a number of reasons, but all of them revolve around the need to integrate a .NET project with multiple Java projects. Here are some examples:

  • Different teams might be responsible for the integration with each Java project, and therefore responsible for generating the proxies for that project.
  • The multiple Java projects might be evolving at different paces, and the best way for the parallel .NET development effort to keep pace is for the proxied APIs for the two Java projects to evolve separately.
  • Logically, it might make sense to organize different integration concerns into separate interoperability projects and separate proxy DLLs.
  • An existing .NET-to-Java integration might need to incorporate some new APIs, but it might not be practical to re-generate the proxies for the legacy Java APIs, so the new APIs will be in a separate proxy DLL.

It hasn’t been possible, up to now, to create projects that use multiple proxy DLLs, so customers have had to alter their development processes to make sure that all Java APIs that are generated in a single proxy DLL. While this is always possible, it can be inconvenient.

That’s why today we’re announcing JNBridgePro 9.0, with support for multiple proxy DLLs. Going forward, developers can manage multiple .NET-to-Java integration projects:

Adding support for multiple proxy DLLs is a major change: Up until now, JNBridgePro’s code had deep assumptions that a single proxy DLL was present, so JNBridgePro’s code had to be touched in a large number of places. The result is that JNBridgePro 9.0 is a breaking change from previous versions. Proxy DLLs generated by earlier versions of JNBridgePro will not work with 9.0; any proxies will have to be re-generated. Hence this is a major version release.

(Incidentally, due to the fact that Java handles the loading of classes differently from .NET, multiple proxy jar files have always been supported in Java-to-.NET projects. This new feature applies to multiple proxy DLLs and .NET-to-Java projects.)

In addition to support for multiple proxy DLLs, JNBridgePro 9.0 also includes support for Java 10 as well as for Eclipse 4.8 “Proton,” and includes optimizations that improve CPU usage when generating proxies or running .NET-to-Java projects.

We hope you find the new JNBridgePro 9.0 useful. Download it today.