First Impressions on Visual Studio Code

We’ve been playing a little bit with Visual Studio Code.  I have to say that I can’t really figure out what it’s for, or who would want to use it.

It seems to me that if you’re running on Windows then regular Visual Studio would give you as little or as much as you need. Even if you only wanted to edit and perhaps debug code then ordinary Visual Studio would be the way to go: even if only minimal capability is needed, Visual Studio provides the minimal amount of usable functionality, while VS Code provides far less than that minimum. If you do use VS Code, there’s not much more that you can do than simply edit code.  You can run and debug Node.js (it might be a fine environment for that, but that’s not what we do), and you can currently develop for an ASP.NET clone called ASP/DNX which looks an overlay on top of various native .NET runtimes (particularly .NET Core) — if you only have ASP.NET on your machine, you’re out of luck.  And if you just want to build a Console, WinForms, or WPF application, you’re out of luck, even if you have full .NET installed on a Windows machine.  Maybe this is useful on Macs or Linux, but it’s pretty weak tea.

Microsoft does promise more capability in VS Code as time goes on, but right now, unless you’re doing some very narrow and specialized things, it doesn’t seem like VS Code will be useful for very many people.

Do you have a compelling use case for VS Code, or expect to use it eventually?  Let us know.